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Estimados amigos de CDU,

No he leído todavía el disquito de @NOMALIÍA de mayo,
pero veo que incluye el artículo sobre el incidente
asombroso de Joe Simonton. Es sin duda el caso ovni
más famoso de mi estado de Wisconsin. Creo que el
mejor reportaje es el de Jerry Clark en su
enciclopedia de 3 tomos, que incluye mucha información
que proviene de varias fuentes.

El 14 de abril el periódico local editó otro artículo
sobre en caso, que adjunto abajo, juntamente con mi
correspondencia con una empleada del semanario.

Rich Heiden
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

(el recorte de prensa incluye también la foto a
Simonton con el panqueque en la mano)

Simonton UFO sighting subject at event
By Marge Baerenwald
News-Review Reporter

Whether you believe in UFOs or not, there is still
apparently a lot of interest in a 1961 sighting in the
North Woods.

A presentation related to the Joe Simonton UFO
sighting in 1961 will be held Saturday, April 17, at
the Northland Pines High School auditorium from 9:30
a.m. to noon with speaker Bill McNeff.

McNeff was one of the original investigators and
interviewers of Joe Simonton and his experience.
McNeff is the MUFON Minnesota state director who
investigates various unexplained phenomena, including
UFO sightings, cattle mutilation and crop circles.

Simonton was a plumber, who on April 18, 1961,
reported hearing a whining sound and seeing an object,
brighter than chrome, about 12 feet high and 30 feet
in diameter, with exhaust pipes around the periphery,
land near his house while he was having breakfast.

According to Simonton, a door was opened and a man
appeared, wearing a black turtleneck pullover with a
white belt and black trousers with a vertical white
band along the side. Two figures were visible inside
the object.

One of the men held up a jug, which appeared to be of
the same material as the spaceship and motioned to
indicate he would like water. Simonton said he took
the jug, hurried to the house to comply and brought it
back to the men. He judged they were about 5 feet in
height, and weighed about 125 pounds. He said they
were smooth shaved and appeared to resemble those of
Italian descent.

He also reported that he was given some sort of
pancake which he said tasted like cardboard.

There was local, state and nationwide news coverage;
as well as television coverage, including several
articles in the News-Review; and letters from around
the world.

The National Investigating Committee for Aerial
Phenomena analyzed the pancakes and determined that
they consisted of flour, sugar and grease.

In 1961, Simonton was a plumber, auctioneer and annual
Santa Claus for the Eagle River Chamber of Commerce.
He died Aug. 21, 1972.

Following the presentation at the high school,
attendees are welcome to meet at Four Seasons Cafe and
Deli in downtown Eagle River for coffee or lunch to
continue the discussion. (Cafe dining/beverages at
attendee's expense).

The high school event is free, but a freewill offering
is suggested for auditorium rental.

In today's information age, several Web sites are
available on Joe Simonton's story.

4/13/2004 (la fecha del semanario impreso fue el 14 de



Simonton's panckes
Simonton UFO sighting subject at event
Marv "Bwana" Elliott

I was one of the Vilas County officers that responded
to Joe Simonton's incident in 1961, along with Sgt.
Adolph Mussatti. We talked to Joe, showed us a
circular depression in his grassy yard where he
claimed this UFO landed ? It was near where he kept
his goat tied up to a you draw your own
conclusions. Also we were shown two funny looking with big holes in them. Later, I
heard that the grease from them was "beaver"? Joe was
somewhat of a trapper and lived close to Joe Pekarek,
who was a big time trapper. Was interesting story ??
Who Knows?? Bwana

29 July 2004

Dear Editor, I subscribe to a state-wide clipping
service for news about UFOs, etc.. They sent me Marge
Baerenwald's article in the Eagle River Vilas County
News-Review about Joe Simonton
However, the service dated it April 14, and your web
site dated it April 13. What is the actual date on
printed paper? If April 13 was just POSTING date, the
publication date should also be given (as the
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel does now). Also, the
clipping service missed the follow-up letter
The web site dates it 4/19/2004. Is that the actual
publication date? What day of the week does the
masthead bear? Did the Three Lakes News also carry it?
(the same date?); I can't find a web site for the
News. How can I get a tear sheet? ...
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:32:44 –0500
Rich Heiden,

This is answer to your e-mail regarding Joe Simonton.
The article appeared in our April 14, 2004 edition. We
publish every Tues noon with a publication date of
Wed. The stories are put on the web site every Tues
afternoon. I have two tear sheets of the April 14
article on Joe Simonton from page 1B & page 3B. The
letter you speak of dated April 19 was a "response
talk-back" session only on the web site. The letter
was not printed in the paper.

Joe Simonton's obituary was printed in our Aug 24,
l972 newspaper. It was on the front page with a
picture and a jump on Pg 2. I cannot make a copy of
that as it's in the fold in our bound volumes and a
lot of it would be cut off. I recommend contacting the
Historical Society in Madison where all our newspapers
are on microfilm. That way you would get a complete
copy. You can write to them at: State Historical
Society of WI, Newspapers Unit, 816 State St, Madison
WI 53706-1417.

Regarding The Three Lakes News...we also print that,
but it is the same as the News-Review except maybe for
the front page that might be different....

Liz Schmidt
Circulation Mngr

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